1st Organ - Links

Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde (GdO) The Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde e. V. (GdO) (association of organ friends) is an international association for all obliged to the organ: Friends of organ music and people interested in the organ in general, organists, organ builders, organ experts, architects, acoustics, art historians, preservationists, historians, clergymen , do-it-yourself organ builders.
Het Orgel Het Orgel is the Internet magazine of the Royal Netherlands Organists Association (KNOV)
The German Pipe Organ Builders German organ builders and organizations present themselves. Links to company homepages und list with more than 300 companies.
The hugest organs in the world Online data base with more than 3,000 organs with pictures, dispositions, builders and history, sound examples and organ music download portal.
Organ information by Fabian Brackhane Explanation of function and construction of the organ with pictures. Little illustrated bell knowledge and list of 6,600 organ dispositions und pictures, available on demand.
Orgel-Information Information about pipe organs, organ builders and parishes. Interesting facts around the organ with forum and online shop.
orgel-@nline, Ulf Winkelbrandt Information about pipe organs and extensive link collection about organs.
Organ voices of the German Romanticism Aeoline.de describes the organ voices of the German Romanticism, shows with photos, what the pipes are looking alike and offers MP3-sounds of the organ pipes mentioned.

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