Organ Friends Saint Martin

of the Parish Batzenhofen

Batzenhofen is a place with approx. 1,000 inhabitants, district of Gersthofen and lies in the middle of the Schmutter valley, about 13 km northwest from Augsburg.
To the parish of Batzenhofen also belong the villages Edenbergen and Rettenbergen and the hamlets Gailenbach and Peterhof. The parish has about 1700 inhabitants.
Because the organ of the parish church already for several decades is only playable with trouble and sounds unacceptable and various consultants did a general overhaul not consider as helpful, on Friday, 25 July 2008 fourteen ones of kindred spirit met and created the promotion association of "Orgelfreunde Sankt Martin der Pfarrei Batzenhofen" (i. e. Organ Friends Saint Martin of the Parish Batzenhofen).
Major goal of our association is it, to raise by membership dues, donations and actions e.g. Cecilia wine or video showings the money, which is needed, to replace in the old, ailing instrument by a new pipe organ.
Have pleasure with your visiting our homepage!

Franz X. Koehler

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Overview of our Organ Friends homepage:
Site map organ friends
Legacy statement
Site overview Organ Friends
New organ What's behind, when we talk about a "new" organ
Orgelfreunde Sankt Martin der Pfarrei Batzenhofen: Our association
Organ components explanation of terms like Salicional, action, Bourdon, Principal, gedackt, Kanzelle, stop, wind chest, console, pedal
Donations How you can help us to reach our goal
News of 2008 Collection of newspaper reports about the Orgelfreunde Sankt Martin der Pfarrei Batzenhofen from the Year 2008
News of 2009 Collection of newspaper reports about the Orgelfreunde Sankt Martin der Pfarrei Batzenhofen from the Year 2009
News of 2010 Collection of newspaper reports about the Orgelfreunde Sankt Martin der Pfarrei Batzenhofen from the Year 2010
Watch for free videos about the pilgrimage of the parish St. Martin, Batzenhofen to Egypt with Sinai peninsula. Most seen video: Pyramids and Sphinx
Application for membership
Saint Cecila Legend of the patroness of organ music
Statutes of the Orgelfreunde St. Martin
Organ expertise 1986 Expertise by Mr. Prof. Dr. Gert Voelkl regarding the organ in St. Martin Batzenhofen 1986
Organ expertise 2002 Expertise by Mr. P. Stefan U. Kling regarding the organ in St. Martin Batzenhofen 2002
Organ expertise 2008 Expertise by the official organ expert P. Stefan U. Kling regarding the organ in St. Martin Batzenhofen 2008
Parish church St. Martin, Batzenhofen What is wort to mention about the building our organ is located in
History and Legend of the holy Bishop Martin of Tours. Vita of St. Martin.
Links to organ,church music,organ music bzw. organ concert and freeware-downloads
Organ Martin
The organ of St. Martin, Batzenhofen History and disposition of our pipe organ, built 1919 1920 by Julius Schwarzbaur, Mindelheim, al Opus 58
The history of the organ - part 1 From the stone age musicians of the Lonetal to Ktesibios in Alexandria to the emperors in Byzanz
The history of the organ - part 2 From the Frankish king Pippin to pope Benedikt in Regensburg
Stories about the organ of Saint Martin, Batzenhofen
Statutes of the Organ Friends Saint Martin of the parish Batzenhofen
Donations for the Batzenhofen organ are tax-deductible.
We would like you to become sponsor of the organ in St. Martin Batzenhofen Wee are glad to place your text link in our homepage
Association History to our association - from the foundation until today
The Donations Barometer shows, how much money we have already collected for the Batzenhofen organ
Managing committee Members of the committee and founders members
our organ wine (Cecilia wine):
Sale of Cecilia wine (organ wine) in aid of our organ. A good drop for a good sound.
external links

Gospel choir Salvation, Gersthofen
Youth choir Talatta Herbertshofen

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